週末音樂之旅【俄羅斯音樂巨人】 | ||
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http://event.culture.tw/NTSO/portal/Registration/C0103MAction?actId=40059 | ||||||||||||
活動內容介紹 |
國臺交X法雅客音樂講堂 104/4/18(六)15:00 主講:顏華容 地點:法雅客臺中中港店(新光三越9樓) 週末音樂之旅-【俄羅斯音樂巨人】 Musical Journey at Weekend-“The Giants of Russian Music” 指揮/梶間聡夫 Conductor: Fusao Kajima 鋼琴/陳世偉 Piano: Shih-Wei Chen 普羅柯菲夫:《基傑中尉》組曲 S. Prokofiev: Lieutenant Kije Suite Op. 60 普羅柯菲夫:C大調第三號鋼琴協奏曲 S. Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No.3 in C Major Op. 26 蕭斯塔可維契:d小調第十二號交響曲《1917》 D. Shostakovich: Symphony No.12 in d minor Op. 112, "The Year 1917" 天生的鬼才普羅柯菲夫,即便身在諸多限制的極權時代,仍用一曲一曲的樂章交織夾藏滿腔熱血。電影配樂的《基傑中尉》就是在此時代中,以悅耳的音符暗暗諷刺當時的貴族社會。而膾炙人口的第三號鋼琴協奏曲,是普羅柯菲夫另一經典巨作,為了呈現鋼琴獨奏的華麗與維持管弦樂的和諧,普式特有的和弦與樂曲的張力在這裡精彩展現。蕭斯塔科維契的第十二號交響曲則是題獻給列寧,單一動機貫穿整曲並以一氣呵成的方式演奏,強烈正面的音樂表現直接傳遞心中所受到的感召。動盪的時代,這一世紀的俄羅斯在分合中,作曲家們也以樂聲回應歷史。 大時代中的小人物,臺灣鋼琴家陳世偉、日籍指揮梶間聡夫重新發現1917俄羅斯的冷與熱,翻騰的思緒,攪動的心境,邀您親身感受和弦中隱含的巨大樂思。 Talented Prokofiev, despite living under a totalitarian regime which imposed restrictions on many aspects of life, managed to compose one work after another with enthusiasm and passion. His “Lieutenant Kije Suite”, composed for the movie “Lieutenant Kije”, subtly held up the aristocratic society at that time to ridicule with the suite’s pleasant-sounding music. The popular “Piano Concerto No.3” is another well-known classic by Prokofiev. The concerto, which strives to maintain a balance between the soloist and the orchestra, displays the dissonances and musical tension characteristic of Prokofiev. “Symphony No.12 in d minor” by D. Shostakovich, dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Lenin, has one single motive throughout the entire piece and is played without a break. The powerful music serves as the composer’s true revelation of his inspirations and feelings. Indeed, in the turbulent 20th-century Russia, music became a way for composers to engage in a dialogue with history and their time. Taiwanese pianist Shih-Wei Chen and Japanese conductor Fusao Kajima will rediscover the coldness and passion in Russia in 1917. Stories of everyday people in an unusual age, troubled thoughts, and agitated minds will cross paths in this concert, which will surely generate compelling momentum and evoke listeners’ emotions. |