定期音樂會系列~聲 情 交響四 【無言歌-水藍的抒情樂章】 | ||
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http://event.culture.tw/NTSO/portal/Registration/C0103MAction?actId=40050 | ||||||||||||
活動內容介紹 |
定期音樂會系列【聲 情 交響四】國際音樂節-【無言歌-水藍的抒情樂章】 Symphony of Voice and Sentiment-IV International Music Festival-Lan Shui’s Song without Words ◎高鐵活動套票熱賣中,享音樂會門票(800元以上)56折,高鐵來回車票7折 ◎誠品X國臺交 音樂講堂 103/11/23(日)15:00凃鳳玹 主講(誠品園道店) 指揮/水藍Conductor: Lan Shui 小提琴/樫本大進Violin: Daishin Kashimoto 拉赫瑪尼諾夫:《無言歌》S. Rachmaninoff: “Vocalise”, Op.34, No.14 聖桑斯:b小調第三號小提琴協奏曲C. Saint-Saëns: Violin Concerto No.3 in b minor, Op.61 布拉姆斯:D大調第二號交響曲J. Brahms: Symphony No.2 in D Major, Op. 73 緩緩上升的高音像是一條拋物線,以最美的姿態優雅劃過,彷彿一縷幽香沁入,美好的感受輕輕地撫著我們的心弦,拉赫瑪尼諾夫的無言歌深沉內斂,以純粹的聲線豐厚了生命。布拉姆斯第二號交響曲跨越貝多芬的腳步,在湖光山色的大自然中,輕巧愉悅地展開樂章,濃稠的音色型塑著滿溢的幸福,平靜與美好恬適相伴。 前藝術顧問水藍,以無言歌開場重新訴說相知相會的心境,偕同柏林愛樂樂團首席樫本大進,帶來聖桑斯相當耳熟能詳的第三號小提琴協奏曲,琴聲彷彿戲劇般直接熱情的劃破寧靜,風起雲湧帶來一連串粗獷又細緻的色彩。看樫本大進如何展現魅惑人心的琴音,水藍大師如何在指揮棒躍動間激出美麗的火花,重量鉅獻,不容錯過。 Slowly-ascending high notes are like a parabolic curve which gracefully traces itself in the air, or a delicate fragrance which soothes our mind. Sergei Rachmaninoff’s “Vocalise”, both profound and reserved, enriches our life with its simplistic melodies. Johannes Brahms has taken a step beyond Beethoven with his “Symphony No.2”. The first movement unfolds in a serene mood, as if in natural grandeur, with its thick sound nuance rich in happiness, tranquility, and beauty. Former Artistic Advisor Lan Shui will commence this concert with “Vocalise” as an expression of tacit understanding. Together with Daishin Kashimoto, Concertmaster of Berliner Philharmoniker, the NTSO will present the well-known “Violin Concerto No.3 in b minor” by Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns. The solo part dramatically and unwaveringly shatters the peace of the beginning, and the undulating music develops in a gorgeous palette of musical hues, both rough and again exquisite. In this concert, Daishin Kashimoto will showcase his captivating musical charm and present a musical feast with conductor Lan Shui. The final concert of the 2014 NTSO International Music Festival will be yet another not-to-miss concert of the season. |