「青聲高唱」青少年歌劇工作坊~莫札特歌劇《阿波羅與亞欽圖斯》&珀瑟爾歌劇《戴朵與艾涅阿斯》 | ||
表演類別 | 音樂 | |
演出單位 | 林中光音樂工作室 | |
表演日期、時間 | 106-9-16~106-9-17 星期六 19:30 PM 星期日 14:30 PM | |
進場方式 | 售票 | |
費用 | 收費 | |
地 點 | 南海劇場 | |
內 容 | 聚焦賞析:演出早期精緻具希臘神話色彩:珀瑟爾《戴朵與艾涅阿斯》及莫札特《阿波羅與亞欽圖斯》,是歌劇入門最佳劇碼。 兩廳院售票:(02)3393-9888 http://www.arte.gov.tw/pro1_perf_now.asp?KeyID=1840 Famous opera specialists from Taiwan and abroad work together to intensively train talented young opera singers and offer them a place to learn and sing operas; the wrap-up presentation is to perform “Dido and Aeneas” by Purcell and “Apollo et Hyacinthus” by Mozart which are perfect choices for opera beginners. Your presence is welcome! Focus:The program includes pieces of Greek mythology style: “Dido and Aeneas” by Purcell and “Apollo et Hyacinthus” by Mozart which are perfect choices for opera beginners. ArtsTicket:(02)3393-9888 |
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2017年9月11日 星期一
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