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時間 2015年11月10至11日(週二至週三) 地點 中央研究院民族所新館三樓2319會議室 (臺北市南港區研究院路二段128號) 主辦單位 中央研究院民族所 聯絡人 陶曉萱,Tel: 02-2652-3324;E-mail: hsiaotao@gate.sinica.edu.tw 連結網址 http://www.ioe.sinica.edu.tw/ 內容簡介 11月10日 10:30-12:00 【Session 1: Emerging Themes】 主持人:胡台麗 Indigenous Christianity in the Pacific Rim: Emergent Themes (Webb Kean) 討論人:蔡彥仁 Protestantism, Cargo, and Treasure: The Acquisition of Wealth among the Bugkalot (Ilongot) of Northern Luzon, Philippines(楊淑媛) 討論人:趙恩潔 13:20-15:20 【Session 2: Indigenous Theology】 主持人:伊慶春 Cultivating a "Pacific Way" in Indigenous Christian Theology(Matt Tomlinson) 討論人:郭佩宜 Indigenization and Exclusiveness: Truth Claim and the Redefinition of Religion among the Lahu Christians in Thailan(片岡樹) 討論人:劉子愷 15:40-17:40 【Session 3: Gender, Personhood, and Capitalism】 主持人:馮建彰 The Development of Catholicism among the Amis of Taiwan(葉淑綾) 討論人:陳怡君 Christian Motherhood, Relational Body, and Ethical Subject: An Existential-Anthropological Analysis of Charismatic Healing Practices among the Protestant Rukai of Taiwan(鄭瑋寧) 討論人:李宜澤 11月11日 9:50-11:50 【Session 4: Rupture, Continuity and Transformation】 主持人:陳文德 Rupture, Reproduction and Transformation in Trobriand Christian Conversion(Mark Mosko) 討論人:黃郁茜 Reformatting Morality with the Deceased among the Bunun of Eastern Taiwan(方鈞瑋) 討論人:蔣斌 13:00-15:00 【Session 5: Culture of Evangelism】 主持人:余舜德 Traveling Karen Preachers and the Culture of Evangelism:The Founding of Modern Missions in Nineteenth-Century Burma(速水洋子) 討論人:Jonathan Seitz Protestant Evangelism and Vernacular Literacy Campaigns among the Kachin of Northern Myanmar(今村真央) 討論人:何翠萍 15:20-17:20 【Session 6: Producing Internal Divisions】 主持人:高信傑 Whose Salvation? The Conflicts between Ahmao Intellectuals and Ahmao Millenarians in Shimenkan, Southwest China, 1930s-1950s(黃淑莉) 討論人:高晨揚 Class Culture Revisited: A Study of the Emergence and Development of indigenous Pentecostalism in the Early-Twentieth-Century Protestant Field of China(黃克先) 討論人:丁 | |||
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2015年11月2日 星期一
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