- 活動時間:2014年12月3日至2014年12月4日
- 活動地點:國立台灣大學國立台東大學
- 主辦單位:國立台東大學
- 聯絡方式:
- http://www.apc.gov.tw/portal/portal/actNews/ActNewsDetail.html?CID=5978EDEB7D4D7A3CAAF3EF4F5F405931&id=B326FA772A9A54FED0636733C6861689
太平洋歷史學會國際學術研討會」(PHA Conference)於1980年開始在不同的太平洋南島國家舉辦,每年皆有150-200位來自大洋洲、紐澳、美加、亞洲等各國學者參與發表論文。今年,PHA Conference將首次在台灣舉辦。為期四天的會議中,首日將在台北集結,於台灣大學舉辦首日會議;之後移駕台東,在原住民文化最為豐富多元的台東舉辦學術會議以及文化參訪活動。 本屆會議以「從台灣到大洋之路–太平洋與亞洲歷史之再現與重繫」為題。
在英文版主題中,同時以Lalan, Chalan, Tala, Ara四字,其分別為台灣阿美語、南島查莫洛語、斐濟語以及毛利語之「路」(Path)語彙,強調台灣原住民與大洋洲南島民族在遷徙歷史與語言文化上的連結。「路」始於過往的足跡,並且指向未來,亦表達了現今太平洋人文研究的內涵。此外,「路徑、通道」也象徵台灣的獨特地位:從遠古到當代,台灣既是南島民族遷移路徑的關鍵,也是太平洋與亞洲連結的樞紐。 徵稿說明: 「太平洋歷史學會」的會員研究領域包括人類學、社會科學、文學、音樂、語言、媒體傳播、教育、原住民研究、文化研究、環境資源等等。歡迎國內外學者及青年學生參與研討會論文發表,可自行籌組研討場次或投稿個別論文,研討會以英文為主要語言,摘要可接受中/英文撰寫,惟以中文撰寫者,需於論文摘要審查接受後,自行翻譯成英文內容上傳。 徵稿期程:摘要投稿截止:5月31日審查結果通知:7月中旬報名開始:6月1日註冊費早鳥優惠截止:8月31日若有任何問題,請寫信到會議諮詢信箱 ( pha2014.tw@gmail.com) 。
會議網站:http://pha2014.erenlai.com/index.php?lang=tw 。
The 21st biennial conference of the Pacific History Association (PHA) will take place in Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan, and Taitung, in the Austronesian-speaking indigenous area of southeast Taiwan. We will convene at Taipei for the first part of the conference, and then travel to Taitung to be more engaged with indigenous communities for the second part of the conference. Taitung is famous for its rich Austronesian cultures and the beautiful scenery between coastal mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Tours to Austronesian villages, archaeological sites and the Prehistoric Museum will be arranged. Conference Theme: Lalan, Chalan, Tala, Ara (Path)--Reconnecting Pacific-Asia Histories In Proto-Austronesian, *zalan refers to path, way or means to do something. Words of the same cognate are widely found throughout the Pacific: lalan/dalan (Taiwan, Southeast Asia), chalan (Chamorro), tala (Solomon Islands) and ara/ala (Polynesia) are some examples that exhibit the strong connections of people and places since ancestral times. The path originates from the past, and points to the future; it links tradition to the present; and it denotes both history and future prospects as an inter-linked whole.. The next PHA conference will be held in Taiwan, the island on the pathway of Austronesian migrations to the Pacific. Since the 17th century, Taiwan has reconnected to the Pacific through trading activities; and has also experienced multiple colonial regimes, and participated in World War Two as a Japanese colony. Recently, growing ties between Pacific Island communities and Asia make this a good time to reflect on the journeys our ancestors have traveled, and to further reconnect Pacific-Asian histories. We need to know our path(s) in the past in order to find our way(s) to the future.
在英文版主題中,同時以Lalan, Chalan, Tala, Ara四字,其分別為台灣阿美語、南島查莫洛語、斐濟語以及毛利語之「路」(Path)語彙,強調台灣原住民與大洋洲南島民族在遷徙歷史與語言文化上的連結。「路」始於過往的足跡,並且指向未來,亦表達了現今太平洋人文研究的內涵。此外,「路徑、通道」也象徵台灣的獨特地位:從遠古到當代,台灣既是南島民族遷移路徑的關鍵,也是太平洋與亞洲連結的樞紐。 徵稿說明: 「太平洋歷史學會」的會員研究領域包括人類學、社會科學、文學、音樂、語言、媒體傳播、教育、原住民研究、文化研究、環境資源等等。歡迎國內外學者及青年學生參與研討會論文發表,可自行籌組研討場次或投稿個別論文,研討會以英文為主要語言,摘要可接受中/英文撰寫,惟以中文撰寫者,需於論文摘要審查接受後,自行翻譯成英文內容上傳。 徵稿期程:摘要投稿截止:5月31日審查結果通知:7月中旬報名開始:6月1日註冊費早鳥優惠截止:8月31日若有任何問題,請寫信到會議諮詢信箱 ( pha2014.tw@gmail.com) 。
會議網站:http://pha2014.erenlai.com/index.php?lang=tw 。
The 21st biennial conference of the Pacific History Association (PHA) will take place in Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan, and Taitung, in the Austronesian-speaking indigenous area of southeast Taiwan. We will convene at Taipei for the first part of the conference, and then travel to Taitung to be more engaged with indigenous communities for the second part of the conference. Taitung is famous for its rich Austronesian cultures and the beautiful scenery between coastal mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Tours to Austronesian villages, archaeological sites and the Prehistoric Museum will be arranged. Conference Theme: Lalan, Chalan, Tala, Ara (Path)--Reconnecting Pacific-Asia Histories In Proto-Austronesian, *zalan refers to path, way or means to do something. Words of the same cognate are widely found throughout the Pacific: lalan/dalan (Taiwan, Southeast Asia), chalan (Chamorro), tala (Solomon Islands) and ara/ala (Polynesia) are some examples that exhibit the strong connections of people and places since ancestral times. The path originates from the past, and points to the future; it links tradition to the present; and it denotes both history and future prospects as an inter-linked whole.. The next PHA conference will be held in Taiwan, the island on the pathway of Austronesian migrations to the Pacific. Since the 17th century, Taiwan has reconnected to the Pacific through trading activities; and has also experienced multiple colonial regimes, and participated in World War Two as a Japanese colony. Recently, growing ties between Pacific Island communities and Asia make this a good time to reflect on the journeys our ancestors have traveled, and to further reconnect Pacific-Asian histories. We need to know our path(s) in the past in order to find our way(s) to the future.