表演名稱 | 台灣變形記2014秋季新作 | |
表演類別 | 戲劇 | |
演出單位 | 金枝演社劇團 | |
表演日期、時間 | 103-10-10~103-10-12 星期五 PM 19:30 星期六 PM 14:30、19:30 星期日 PM 14:30 | |
進場方式 | 售票 | |
費用 | 收費 | |
地 點 | 南海劇場 | |
內 容 | 聚焦賞析:史上最激辛辣笑彈,超爆笑瘋狂幽默黑色喜劇。一趟尋求正義的冒險之旅,黑白分明的精彩交鋒,歡迎對號入座。 洽詢展演單位:(02)6637-7987 兩廳院售票:(02)3393-9888 http://www.arte.gov.tw/pro1_perf_now.asp?KeyID=1554 “The Metamorphosis of Taiwan”- a drama with “beyond your expectation” style, and filled with wild dreams of common people, it speaks from the perspective of “people’s justice” and points out directly the various ridiculous phenomena in our society and bureaucratic system. Fate has forced the young detective Lee to stand up against the evil powers looming over his hometown. A never-happened-before, good versus evil fight thus begins. Focus:The most sarcastic and super hilarious dark comedy ever! It is an adventure looking for justice – filled with amazing black-white confrontations. Welcome to our show and please take your assigned seats. Exhibition Unit:(02)6637-7987 ArtsTicket:(02)3393-9888 |
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2014年10月1日 星期三
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