表演名稱 | 2014樂濤交響管樂團國際音樂夏令營音樂會 | |
表演類別 | 音樂 | |
演出單位 | 樂濤交響管樂團 | |
表演日期、時間 | 103-8-3 星期日 15:00 PM | |
進場方式 | 售票 | |
費用 | 收費 | |
地 點 | 南海劇場 http://www.arte.gov.tw/pro1_perf_now.asp?KeyID=1538 | |
內 容 | 聚焦賞析:2006年,多位學成歸國的演奏家憑藉著對音樂演奏的熱忱,成立「樂濤」交響管樂團,透過演出與講座活動,傳遞音樂無限涵養。 兩廳院售票:(02)3393-9888 The world-renowned trumpet player Allen Vizzutti, by invitation of the Yue Tao Symphonic Band, will set foot on Taiwan for the first time. Under the leadership of American conductor Gary Brattin, the program of the concert, in addition to classical pieces, includes “The Rising Sun” – a concerto for trumpet and orchestra masterfully arranged and played by Allen Vizzutti and the orchestra. Focus:The Yue Tao Symphonic Band was established out of its founder’s sheer passion for playing music. Its goal is to convey the boundless nourishment of music through concerts and seminars. ArtsTicket:(02)3393-9888 |
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2014年7月22日 星期二
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