音樂欣賞講座 2015年09月20日(星期日)14:30誠品(台中園道店) 資深樂評、廣播節目主持人歐頭(賴偉峯)主講
團慶系列五-定期音樂會【聲 情 交響三】迷戀大提琴-林恩‧哈瑞爾 Symphony of Voice and Sentiment III - "Lynn Harrell meets NTSO"
指揮/涅爾‧卡巴列提 Conductor: Nir Kabaretti
大提琴/林恩‧哈瑞爾 Cello: Lynn Harrell
柴科夫斯基:幻想序曲《羅密歐與茱麗葉》 P. I. Tchaikovsky: Overture-Fantasy "Romeo and Juliet" 聖桑斯:第一號大提琴協奏曲 C. Saint-Saëns: Cello Concerto No. 1 in A minor Op. 33 德弗札克:輪旋曲 Op. 94 A. Dvořák: Rondo in G minor Op. 94 德弗札克:第八號交響曲 A. Dvořák: Symphony No. 8 in G Major Op. 88
德弗札克是浪漫時期波希米亞最具影響力與代表性的作曲家,他的第八號交響曲1889年創作於捷克風光明媚的的Vysoká,隔年2月2日由作曲家親自指揮於布拉格首演,在古典的曲式中加入創新的變化,管弦樂手法成熟而豐富,交響曲中盡是對大自然聲響的模擬與禮讚。柴科夫斯基的《羅密歐與茱麗葉幻想序曲》完成於作曲家28歲時,藉著對莎翁名劇的抒懷,作曲家將對愛情的憧憬與失落,以戲劇性的手法在管弦樂中呈現,特別是其中深情款款的抒情主題旋律,至今仍是傳頌不歇。當代表演藝術大師中擁有最高地位與聲望的大提琴家 林恩‧哈瑞爾,再次與國臺交攜手合作,演出最受喜愛的聖桑斯大提琴協奏曲,與德弗札克輪旋曲,大師與名曲,演繹感動,傳奇再現。
Dvořák is one of the most influential and significant Bohemian composers of the Romantic Period. He finished his Symphony No.8 in G Major in beautiful Vysoká, Czech in 1889 and personally conducted its premiere in Prague on February 2nd, 1890. With rich and mature orchestrations, Symphony No.8 is a classical piece with a new twist which mimics and celebrates the sounds of nature. Tchaikovsky completed Overture-Fantasy “Romeo and Juliet” when he was 28 years old. The composer dramatically expressed his expectations and disappointments towards love through his orchestra interpretation of Shakespeare’s famous play. The romantic theme in this composition is constantly performed in concerts today.
【70週年團慶紀念郵票】兌換活動 |