Fairy Tales˙Legends VII “Isabelle van Keulen”
With bold splashes of romance and zeal, Berlioz created a flamboyant orchestra masterpiece that oscillates between reality and fantasy. Commissioned by violin virtuoso Paganini, he wrote the viola concerto Harold in Italy, which was inspired by English poet George Byron’s work, Childe Harold"s Pilgrimage. The warm, simple temperament of the viola is backed by lush orchestral arrangements, depicting Harold’s fantastical journey of love. If the work of Berlioz is a journey, then Beethoven’s Symphony No.7 is a drama. Forget reason and lose yourself in a moment of indulgence. Let the untamed rhythm call to the unruly spirit in the heart. Wagner called it the “apotheosis of the dance”, a sacred dance for the God of Wine, Dionysus.
Violaist Isabelle van Keulen won the BBC Young Musician of the Year in 1984. The Guardian reviewed her performance as “her continuous music, clear tones and innate gentleness and delicacy present an ingenious interpretation of the essence of this piece”. Tonight, along with Chinese conductor Xian Zhang and NTSO, van Keulen will tell the story of Harold’s journey through the calm voice of the viola, and project the frenzy of Dionysus through the passion of music.
H. Berlioz: “Harold in Italy” Op.16
L. v. Beethoven: Symphony No.7 in A major, Op.92
Guest Conductor: Xian Zhang
2012/13 樂季,是張弦出任米蘭威爾第交響樂團音樂總監的第四個樂季。去年,她於史卡拉劇院指揮布列頓《戰爭安魂曲》作為樂團的開季音樂會;2011年接下荷蘭管弦樂團暨合奏學院的藝術總監,2013年1月即率領該團以馬勒第三號交響曲在荷蘭巡演。之前,張弦曾擔任紐約愛樂的助理指揮,隨後升任副指揮,是獲得紐愛「托斯卡尼尼指揮講座」職稱的第一人。
張弦的客席指揮邀約逐年增加, 2013/14樂季將重返皇家大會堂管弦樂團客席。除了歐洲,也會到北美各地交響樂團指揮,巡演同時,始終不遺餘力地支持中國作曲家。
張弦出生於遼寧丹東,二十歲時,在北京歌劇院指揮生平首齣歌劇《費加洛婚禮》。2002 年於馬捷爾-維拉指揮大賽中脫穎而出拿下首獎,之後便展開她的指揮生涯。
Viola: Isabelle van Keulen
她的曲目包含許多當代作曲家作品,包括杜帝耶(Henri Dutilleux)、亞當斯(John Adams)、奧爾巴克(Lera Auerbach)、克努森(Oliver Knussen)、狄恩(Brett Dean)等人的小提琴協奏曲;多首協奏曲特別為她譜寫,如洛凡第(Theo Loevendie)的小提琴協奏曲及圖爾(Erkki-Sven Tüür)的小提琴協奏曲。
樊庫倫錄製過許多唱片,近期出版的有:《貝爾格小提琴協奏曲》(Chandos唱片發行)、理夏德‧史特勞斯、羅塔及雷斯匹基的三首小提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲集(海峽唱片經典系列發行)等。 |